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The Saltbox Shoppe

The Saltbox Shoppe is Canadian made and offers some of the most innovative home and garden decor using up cycled salvaged materials!

We specialize in creating functional birdhouses and feeders, one of a kind Christmas decor, and unique home and garden decor such as door knob and embossed tin coat hooks, embossed tin mirrors, embossed tin stars and hearts and so much more . View our Saltbox signature piece  cardinal boards , Christmas greenery tin containers , tin Christmas trees, rustic angels , industrial lighting, and Canadian made live edge furniture, but with a different creative twist, much different then everyone else’s.......

You can find our products are not your typical designs, we strive to create and colour outside the lines.

The Saltbox Shoppe takes immense pride in creating our own designs specifically with you in mind.


Our store

689 Huron Terrace
Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
N2Z 2H3


Saltbox Shoppe

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